
Bright Lights - Low Budget

My house has some serious lighting issues.  My property backs up to a wooded area – wonderful for privacy, not so much for brightening up my space.  When I moved in, a builder-grade silver chandelier with frosted globes was hanging in my dining area.  I wish that I had taken a picture of that monstrosity, but I sold it at a yard sale a while ago and am trying to forget that it ever existed.


Have you ever tried to find a dining room light that doesn’t use frosted glass? There aren’t many available.  Apparently dim light is very in right now.

It was around this time that I was introduced to the wonder that is Restoration Hardware.  They have an amazing contemporary style that takes a neutral color scheme and makes it feel fancier than you could ever imagine the color gray could be.  It is also a tad bit on the pricey side.  But I had never been, so why not?

As I was perusing the showroom at the Fashion Mall, I saw the light.  Literally.


It was perfect! Bright light, no frosted glass anywhere in sight and filled with crystals.  It met all of my requirements.

Plus it was sparkly.

It was also $2,600.  Slightly over my let’s-see-if-we-can-do-this-for-under-100-bucks budget.  I left the store sans chandelier, telling myself that if I ever win the lottery I'm going to have one of those bad boys in every room of my house.

[Sigh] Doesn't it look amazing in someone else's living room?
Fast forward to a few months later, when I decided to browse the lighting section at my local Menards.  Where I found this beauty:

And it was on sale for $80.  SOLD.

Menards made my lighting dreams come true.  They also gave me laminate countertops that look like granite – but that’s a story for another time.

It is a beacon of happiness in my kitchen.  And I can now see while chopping vegetables in the evening.  It’s a win-win for everybody.

The moral of the story – keep shopping at expensive stores.  Order more design magazines that contain items way out of your price range.  You never know where you might find inspiration – and a knockoff that comes pretty damn close to the real thing.


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Introducing... me!

Well this should be interesting.

I graduated in 2009 with a Bachelor's degree in English (yes that means you can judge every typo I ever make) and figured I should at least start using some of those hard earned skills.  Hence, I turn to blogging.

My life a chaotic mess most of the time.  I bought my first house several years ago, and renovations have been a learning experience, to say the least.  I LOVE interior design - in theory.  But sometimes the practicality of things (and my budget) get in the way of my vision.  Most of the time hilarity ensues.

For example, this flower arrangement that I made from a wiener dog candy dish.  Because... why wouldn't I?

I have two adorable fur babies.  The first is my dingo.  Her name is Blue.  She may be the world's happiest dog.

This is her THROW IT stance.

The second is a (fairly) new addition to our family.  Meet Lexington.  The world's second happiest dog.

Do you have treats?

So now that you know a little bit about me - what is this blog going to be about? 

Given I have the attention span of a gnat, pretty much anything goes.  But as the title suggests, Blueprints & Baking.  In a recent bout of self-examination, I've found that I pretty much spend my free time thinking about three things: designing my house/dream beach house, baking and my dogs.  So that's where I am going to start.

Hopefully you learn something.  Hopefully I do, too.


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