
Introducing... me!

Well this should be interesting.

I graduated in 2009 with a Bachelor's degree in English (yes that means you can judge every typo I ever make) and figured I should at least start using some of those hard earned skills.  Hence, I turn to blogging.

My life a chaotic mess most of the time.  I bought my first house several years ago, and renovations have been a learning experience, to say the least.  I LOVE interior design - in theory.  But sometimes the practicality of things (and my budget) get in the way of my vision.  Most of the time hilarity ensues.

For example, this flower arrangement that I made from a wiener dog candy dish.  Because... why wouldn't I?

I have two adorable fur babies.  The first is my dingo.  Her name is Blue.  She may be the world's happiest dog.

This is her THROW IT stance.

The second is a (fairly) new addition to our family.  Meet Lexington.  The world's second happiest dog.

Do you have treats?

So now that you know a little bit about me - what is this blog going to be about? 

Given I have the attention span of a gnat, pretty much anything goes.  But as the title suggests, Blueprints & Baking.  In a recent bout of self-examination, I've found that I pretty much spend my free time thinking about three things: designing my house/dream beach house, baking and my dogs.  So that's where I am going to start.

Hopefully you learn something.  Hopefully I do, too.


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