
Patio Love

I purchased my first home at the beginning of 2011, and I've learned a lot. Both about home ownership in general and about myself.

This past summer, my dad came over to help me dig some particularly stubborn weeds from the base of a tree in my front yard.  Which is how all 26-year-old women want to spend their Saturday afternoons.

When we were finished weeding, my dad was standing in the driveway watching as I attempted to drag my giant trash can filled with weeds from the grass onto the driveway, got stuck several times and almost fell over. Once I made it up to where he was standing, he stared at me and said: you're a condo person.

He's totally right.

Buying my first house has taught me that I. Hate. Yard. Work.

Mowing, weeding, planting things.  I kill just about everything (succulents and cacti aside - because, really, who can kill those?).  If anyone gives me plant life or flowers of any sort, I immediately give them to my mom. Because they are doomed to die a slow and painful death if they reside anywhere near my house.

So lately I've been dreaming of patios.

My house has a large deck and a small lawn, and I've sat out there maybe 10 times in three years.  It's uncovered, and there are bugs.  Like tons of bugs.  As in I've tried every type of candle/spray to get rid of the mosquitoes, spiders, bees and wasps that are constantly hovering around my deck, and nothing seems to work.

Lesson learned: I am not a lawn person.

I am, however, a patio person.  My next move is probably going to be purchasing a condo, where I dream of having a small patio like one of these:

I have two dogs, so I realize that I need some sort of outdoor space.  But look at that puppy up above laying on his color-coordinated pillow on that patio that contains very minimal plant life.

That's the dream.  Now let's see where my life actually takes me.


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